February 4, 2009

How It All Began

I struggled with structure in my early life. Now as I reflect back on what I was trying to do, I realize that I was struggling with the life I had been led to believe was my destiny. As I served in a church service capacity I found that the standards for living as a member of my religion, and it's values did not necassarily dictate that my standard of living MUST match the mirror image of my parents, or the society that I grew up in. I learned about the basics expected of every member of my faith, it's contrast to the lifestyle I knew, and the implications of swimming against the stream of understanding that members of my faith, family, and social class mandate.
I have been accused of seeking to live out our life in a manner in an effort to embarrass certain individuals, many of whom I extracted some of my unique qualities. It suits their explaination of their greivances as they are prone to act out of social preservation rather than examining the real wisdom behind our choices, and crediting them as a greater capacity to comply with as many life guidlines that my faith has to offer. There has not been any shortage of coercion, harrassment, financial, and social manipulation, mental and emotional abuse levied against me and my small family in order to secure their interests. This continual conflict has forced me and my family to expidite at times our discovery of lifestyle goals, and critically delay some of the basic neccesities of life. On one hand I find it most disturbing that those who claim to have my best interests at heart, extract a toll in exchange for their love and support. On the other hand I feel absolute gratitude to my Father in Heaven that these individuals were placed in my path to expedite a lifestyle that when measured against the odds of survival of most will increase the likelyhood that my children and their posterity, if they choose, will out-live, out-earn, and provide the same for all those who congregate around them. In addition to this they will have a rich interactive life with their children and spouses that will provide ample time to develop proper family interactions, and communications with the heavens.
Having thus said "my two bits", I humbly submit to you my interpretation of a lifestyle that will insure a happy, and healthy life, in whatever economy that develops. The fourthcoming site based on 7 areas that I have developed out of the teachings of my faith while I was in it's service. They are no longer taught to new members in the foregoing format, but a modification of them is, and they are:

Literacy and Education
Career Development
Financial and Resource Management
Home Storage and Production
Physical Health
Social and Emotional Strength
Spiritual Strength


Daizy said...

This sounds like it will be a very interesting blog! I look forward to it's development.

C and H said...

Thanks for the compliment. We are happy to have you as a viewer!!